CBD is the fastest growing industry in the world, and an increasing number of farmers are beginning to see the benefits of growing hemp, from an economic point of view as well as being able to grow a product with many health benefits. Now that you have made the decision to be a part of this exciting world there are a few things to consider before you start. Here is your step by step guide on how to get started.
Step 1: Know your Regulations
The first step is knowing the laws and regulations in the jurisdiction you want to grow in. This may include having to get a license to grow. For example in Italy, no license is required, however you must register with local authorities (La Forestale). Whereas in Bulgaria you must submit a sample form application to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (MAFF) , which once approved, the license is valid for three years. Whatever the case, you must know what the requirements are in your country.
You must also know the laws of your country surrounding the permissible THC content in your plants. The European parliament recently passed the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Reforms which allow for THC content up to 0.3%, meaning this will be the permissible THC content in most member states, however the laws may differ from country to country. For example in the Czech Republic a law was passed to allow THC up to 1% or in italy where the THC content is at 0.6%.
Find out what the Regulation is in your country and follow our updates as we will continue to monitor and update you on any and all changes that happen throughout Europe.
Step 2: Have a suitable place to grow
Whether your plan is to grow in greenhouses, or outdoors, there are a number of things to consider in order to ensure your grow is conducive to both convenience and quality of the growth of your plants. The first decision to make is how many plants you would like to grow. For first time farmers we suggest not to grow more than 5000 plants which is equivalent to 1 hectare, once you are confident you can do more you can always scale up. It is also important to take soil samples for testing, in order to check the pH, as well as the minerals and nutrients present, this will allow you to understand what type of treatment and fertilization you will need to use, as this will differ from case to case.
The next step is to make sure you have a good water supply. Hemp is a crop that needs to be watered daily, therefore your water pump needs to be powerful enough to water your entire crop, this also must be coupled with a water delivery system where each individual plant receives the water it needs, this is true for growing indoor, outdoor or in a greenhouse.
These are the considerations you must take before you put a single plant into the ground, by working with CBD Seed Europe, you will receive personalized help so you can determine what is best for you to make your experience much easier as well as to obtain the best results from your grow.
Step 3: Choosing the right seed
The seed you use can mean the difference between not being able to find a buyer for your product and getting premium pricing, but this is not the only consideration when it comes to choosing your seed. The EU Commission, has a catalogue of seed genetics which are approved for growing in Europe, all seeds which are not on the catalogue or do not have legal authorisation to be sold in your country are liable to be seized by the authorities. Therefore when you buy seeds, you must make sure that your seed seller can provide you with the proper documentation.
At CBD Seed Europe our genetics will be featured on the EU Commission catalogue starting in 2022 as well as specific authorization from over 20 EU Member countries coupled with the most competitive strains on the market. It means that buying from us will be not only the safest option legally but also the best economically. On top of this you will also receive a germination and fertilization guide, so that you can obtain the best possible result
Now you know the main things to consider when deciding to grow hemp and you are ready to start growing. For more information feel free to contact us and follow our news feed to stay up to date with regulations as we continue to bring you updates as the market changes.